Microsoft Excel 2007 - Hyper link removal

Hyper link removal in Microsoft Excel 2007

When you write any mail id or website name, the excel sheet automatically changed to hyperlink text. For removing the hyperlink try to use below changes.

Select the file menu and click the "Excel Options" in the below screen.

In the below screen select the "proofing" options and click "Auto Correct Options" in the screen to get the new window opened.

In the "Auto Correct Option" Window select the "AutoFormat As You Type" Tab to view the below options.

In the below screen 3 check box options are available in the header. The header "Replace as you type" below the first check box option (Internet and network paths with hyperlinks) to remove the selected check option and click OK and again click Main Window to OK the change and settings.

After changing this and enter hyperlinks in excel it should not converted the hyperlink text.